Rosacea is just plain nasty. If you’re prone to rosacea, you know how it goes. A break out, redness and that pain that feels like prickling heat. Ugh. Those who get rosacea have heard the drill. They know the triggers – stress, wind, even sun light – and go out of their way to avoid them. Geez, it’s enough to make you feel like a vampire.
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Tag: Rosacea Relief Serum
Rosacea Symptoms and Solutions
Of all the pain and indignities that come with acne rosacea, few are more debilitating than going through your day with a red face. Rosacea stings. The itching. The prickling heat. But the embarrassment of being constantly seen with that redness, and the fact that it usually hits the one area of the body that you just can’t hide “the face” is just too much.